Sex Talk Course.

Talking about sex is soooo much fun, right?!

We believe sex talk doesn’t have to be something you dread or avoid. In fact, sometimes, done the right way (leans in and whispers) it can be fun.

Specifics covered in this course.

This isn’t the “birds and the bees” (although we do cover those) sex talk your parents may or may not have given you. We think sex is something that is best talked about over and over again - not just one time.

This Sex Talk Course will take you under an hour to watch, and you'll come away with confidence regarding the following topics:

Why and how to start an on-going conversation about sex

How to talk about sex in a way that doesn’t shame or scare your kids

When certain topics might be best approached

How to set family-specific guidelines around sex

Education on sexual development

Understanding of how conversations topics evolve throughout the years

Practical advice for parents who feel anxious or insecure when talking about sex

“I have no idea where to even begin with talking about sex… it honestly freaks me out.”

Trust us, lots of parents would rather not talk about sex with their family. We’ll do our best to help you navigate the topic with a lot less fear and pressure.

“My kids already know about sex. They don’t need me to keep talking to them about it.”

Like it or not, sex isn’t a one-time topic. As your kids get older, their questions and their curiosities evolve. For better or for worse, they need you to engage with this. We’ll get you prepared.
We know not everyone is going to make the exact same decisions about sex talk and we wouldn’t want you to anyways. Our course is designed to efficiently and effectively walk you through how to become a competent, confident parent for this challenging topic.
We think every parent has what it takes to navigate challenging topics for their family. It’s just that sometimes we need a boost of confidence and competence to finally take action. We’ve got you. We believe in you. We’ll prepare you.

You’re not the only parent (trust us!) who is struggling to figure out what to do next as it relates to sex talk. We’re here to give you evidence-based, shame-free help.

What parents are saying about this course.

Our Sex Talk Course will:

Reduce your fears about sex talk  •  Lower your anxiety about doing or saying the wrong things  •  Help you think through what your strategy for sex talk could be  •  Give you confidence to talk about sex over and over again  •  Provide you with practical tools  •  Allow you to see your role as a parent in a different light  •  Introduce you to ideas for how to talk about sex with various aged kids  •  Expose you to how much consistent conversation matters for your family’s well-being

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Get to know us.

As parents, we understand. We both have four children. Sex talk is something we've both learned how to navigate. Both right and wrong. This is why we harnessed our expertise and experience as counselors to create this Sex Talk course.
Shane Fuller & Nikki Pauli

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